Why you’re moving forward this New Year (even when it doesn’t feel like it)

It’s the end of the year… again. Each year seems to go by quicker than the last, doesn’t it? We joke about it, but sometimes it can be disheartening.

We can feel like nothing has really changed and we’re caught in an endless loop. Over and over again – Christmas, New Year, Easter, a birthday: one year older, work, holiday, another year gone by –

Life can seem like on unending circuit, particularly if you (or your loved one) have a chronic illness. This is because:

Continue reading “Why you’re moving forward this New Year (even when it doesn’t feel like it)”

Expectations and why they’re good: Christmas

Did you know that it’s impossible not to have expectations?

Try it.

However vague, we always have some sense of what an event or a holiday or a job or a coffee-date will be like. Often, when we say we had “no expectations” what we really mean is we had “low expectations”.

Christmas and the holiday season bring a lot of expectations.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “Christmas”? Food, fun, community, isolation, stress – whatever connotations you have, they will form part of your expectation for the season.

Christmas and the good thing about expectations

Chronic illness can make expectations necessary.

Continue reading “Expectations and why they’re good: Christmas”

Traveling, chronic illness and character preparation

If you share a life with someone who struggles from a chronic illness, travelling can be difficult, exhausting and even terrifying.

As we progress further into December, many of us are preparing to go on holidays.

Recently I went away, and beforehand I did some preparation. Not the ‘buy insurance’, ‘print your papers’, ‘get the correct address’ sort of preparation, which unfortunately I was rather sadly lacking in (thank you Long-Suffering Friend!) – but character preparation.

What’s that, you ask?

It’s the type of preparation that I’ve discovered is essential for me to ‘get the most’ out of a holiday – as a human, friend, Watcher and Christian.

While this was one of the few times I travelled without my loved ones who struggle with chronic illness, many of the ways I prepared were born out of  holidays I’ve taken with them in the past.

These 5 ways are (in my mind!) applicable whether you’re travelling with chronically ill friends or by yourself, and even whether you’re going overseas or simply staying at home and taking some time out.

However, because they’re not specifically about chronic illness, I’ve published them on my other blog.

Here’s a taster image! Read the post here!

travelling as a christian www.gloryafterwards.wordpress.com #travel #christmas #hope #prepare #life
PS. I took this photo while I was away!

// I’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you agree, disagree? How do you prepare for holidays?


Christmas is coming up, and I want to thank you for following my blog. When you sign up you’ll receive 3 downloadable and printable cards suitable for someone with a chronic illness – and anyone in need of some love!

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